
Hello, I'm Thomas. I'm a resident of Paris in France.
My pseudo 'PicoMedia' reflects my modest but keen contribution to the global flow of information.
I discovered the Wiki project in August 2004, and have since then spent many days (and many nights) trying to get wiser as I was clicking through the articles. I noticed that I rarely get to the end of an article, since there is a tremendous amount of links that take me further and further away from my initial point of departure. I haven't taken the wikiholic test, but I'd guess that I'd get a high score.
I use Wikipedia on a daily basis both at work and at home. It is invaluable to get quick and accurate information on various topics. I design electronic systems in general and write firmware in particular for a living, and my personal interests include and go beyond embedded systems design:
- Scuba Diving in general and Technical Diving in particular
- Industrial IT: Embedded systems
- Automatic Control: Start with Nyquist if you want to know what it's about
- Project management: The art of getting something done within the allocated time and resources
- Group Dynamics: How people react and evolve in a group
- Structure Analysis of organisations in general
- Music: Michael Nyman, Philip Glass, Pink Floyd, Front 242, Jacques Brel, Léo Ferré
- The Armed Conflicts of the 20th Century: WWI, WWII, The Korean war, The Vietnam war, ...
- Intercultural and interlinguistical relationships: how languages influence eachother
- Literature: Emile Zola, Coetzee, Göran Tunström, Björn Ranelid, my childhood hero Jules Verne
- The History of Technology: the Mercury project
- Cooking: French, Chineese, Nordic, North African, ...
- Maths: Topology, operational research, set theory
- Travelling: France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Egypt, ...
- Modern art: Marcel Duchamp, Mark Rothko, ...
- and a lot more
I recently decided to join the members, to support Wikipedia's development. From now on, November 2004, I hope to share some of my humble knowledge with the world. I guess that will mostly contribute to the english wikipedia, since that's the one I usually consult. But I'll also try to contribute to the french and swedish wikis as well. (Yes, that's right, I've got some very strong Swedish ties.) Last time I checked, the French wikipedia was a bit ahead of the Swedish, but consider that Sweden has only about an eigth of the french population...
[edit]Articles I started
[edit]- This page...
- Göran Tunström
- Björn Ranelid
- Diving Unlimited International
Articles I've contributed to
[edit]- Quite a few, but usually I don't keep track of my contributions
Other contributions
[edit]Click here to be taken to PicoMedia's French double.
Click here to be taken to PicoMedia's Swedish double.
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